
Sunday 28 October 2012

Complexities of life...

We all want our life to be simple... but we human being love to make it complex and then we will blame god that why my life is so complex... How does this complexity start from??? We misunderstand others (mostly people who are  close in your life) and others misunderstand us... and many other small small reasons plays an important role for creating such complexities in an individual's life...

And with all these complexities we adults behave in a very strange way and start stay away from each other and then stops talking gradually...  But when we were young and we used to have fight with those who are close to us in life... after some time we will forget everything ... smile and things are back to normal... that's simple and happy.... But once we are grown ups, we think we are very mature now and can handle things very well and in all this we make things complex for ourselves...

There will be situations when we will come across those people who used to be a part of our life... and there would be so many thoughts going around in the mind...what they are up to? how they must be doing in life? are they happy? and what not...?? But there would a kind of discomfort (even though we used to be so comfortable with them some time in the past..)....

If sometimes we forget that we are not grown ups... probably life will become little simple for us....


  1. My wife had a T-Shirt with message that goes like this. ;)

    "Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional"

    ;) Pranav

    1. haha... thats funny... but isn't the life complex by our own means... :)
