
Wednesday 24 October 2012

The never ending battle between Heart and Mind...

Sometimes I have so many things running in my mind that will make myself only so confused about my own thoughts. I will want to prioritize my thoughts but it will be difficult because everything will be so important to me... it is crazy at a time but that is ME who is like this... :-)

Many a times there would be a tiff between a thoughts coming from mind and heart...I will want those thoughts coming from heart to win over thoughts coming from brain. And makes me think why do I have to choose in between heart and brain? Can't I just go with what my heart says? But many times we only create such situations where we have to chose between heart and brain? We humans love getting into complexities...Probably we think that life would be so boring without such complexities in it. :-)

There will be things where you just know that things would not fall in place or probably not right for you but your heart says (This definitely going to be an emotional call).. "No, this is only right for me. This makes me so happy. Go for it.." But at a same time your brain (which is suppose to be very practical) tells you all the correct things which your heart doesn't want to listen to. You exactly know what is right and what is wrong or probably what is good and what is bad? And that is the moment you realize it is so difficult to take decisions in life... heart will always want to overcome such situation...

And currently I am in exactly this situation... Where my brain is telling me all the POSITIVE points about my thoughts and my heart is getting into complexities and not letting me come to any conclusion... Even though I am free, I am under no pressure to take any kind of decision... I can listen to my heart and be happy and I can listen to my brain and still be happy... :-) But there are those small small crazy things which makes me confuse... because I don't want to regret by listening to either Heart or Brain in long term... Even though I know whatever decision I take... it is going to be good for me because I believe everything happens for a reason but at a same time I also believe that our actions represent our life... So I am afraid to make mistake just because I made it once...

So here I am, sailing in the boat of confusion, complexities, curiosity... and still figuring out What is right and wrong or what is good or bad..?? But I feel I better leave it on time at this point of time... Time will decide things and I will surely get some clue which will help me take my decision in future... until then I live this moment and enjoy it to the fullest.. This doesn't mean I am delaying my decisions but I feel some things are better to left on time... :-)

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