
Wednesday 24 October 2012


Few lines defined by a really good friend for me and just can't stop myself from putting it here....and title suggested by him because he feels only one word can describe these line... :-)

Sometimes some stories do not have beginning. That’s what one of my
friend said to me once.

Yes, my dear, some stories do not have, but what doesn’t begin means
never happened. 
In my case. She just happened.
You do not meet her..she happens!

Have you seen a bright light piercing through eyes, you either blink 
and miss it, or you see its beautiful colors splashing all over you.

That’s like her.
You need to absorb her.

Ladies and Supriya Shinde.. you don’t live friendship

with her, you live a dream.. a dream with its unusual dose of

adventures and nightmares, up and downs…but something you will


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