
Monday 15 October 2012

People and their Expectations

In our day to day life, we meet lots of people. Some of them continues to walk with us till some extent, some vanishes and some people becomes a necessary part of our life. and then we end up becoming dependent on those people that we don't even realize what if these people won't be around you some day? and slowly gradually people start expecting from each other.

Now here question arises how much to expect? what to expect? and should we really expect anything?

It is a human tendency to expect from others. In our routine life also we expect small small things from people who are not even in our closet circle. But when they don't behave or do things the way we want we will feel bad. Just because of our own expectations. and when same expectation is not fulfilled by a very close person we end up hurting our self. So why to expect and hurt yourself? The more we expect from others, the more we hurt ourselves only.

Do things for others if you really want to, but do not expect anything in return. You are doing anything for others to make them happy and mainly because it makes you happy (there is a hidden selfishness behind it.)

                          Do things and forget it .... n just see how much life becomes simpler to live.... :-)

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