
Tuesday 16 October 2012

Living up to others Expectations...

Yesterday, i was thinking whether I should expect anything from friends or some close people around me? 
and today i am thinking how much we should allow others to expect from us? 

But when does expectation comes in picture.. 

When one person is giving that comfortableness to other ..??
When other person is doing somethings for us and expecting in return..??
When people take each other for granted and think that why not he / she should be doing this for me..??
So many situations.. so many questions.... but are these the actual reasons behind people's expectation...????

I feel WE are only responsible if others are expecting from us... we have given them that space, that comfortableness, that right to expect from us....
So decide....
whom you want to give how much space in your life...
whom you want to give that extra comfortableness...
whom you want to give those rights to take you for granted....
and whom you are really answerable to....

This differentiation is necessary in our life... or else we will end up answering others questions and fulfilling others expectations (when we are not even comfortable doing it...or sometimes don't want to do it or ideally we should not do it or may be those questions or expectations are false....or may be expectations are high...???) 

It doesn't mean distant yourself from people or stop doing things or caring for them but there has to be a line drawn... where different people can be distinguished....and thats why sometimes it is necessary to maintain that safe distance with people so that we don't end up hurting others by not fulfilling their expectations and ourselves by thinking why do this person is expecting so much from me..  

Because at the end all these leads to frustration and anger... which is not good in any sense...

So rather than expecting from others and getting hurt .... its better to expect from our self only... 

Never idealize others. They will never live up to your expectations. 
-Leo Buscaglia 

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