
Monday 22 October 2012

Why do all good things come to an end...???

Relationships are such an important thing in our life. But among all the relationship after our parents, I feel the most important relationship in our life is.... FRIENDSHIP...

The moment we start understanding people, the very first moment we go to school / college, activity classes, gym, etc.... we will make friends everywhere... some of them will become good friends and stay in your life and some of them will move away...

Last year I moved to Pune and joined IBM. I was hating that place like anything. But on 2nd or 3rd day I got introduced to a girl through one of the colleague for some assignment. I still remember she was wearing a while salwar kurta and pink laheriya dupatta. A very effective personality...tall (like a Super model), very smart and matured(she just looked.. :-) ) looking girl with an absolutely wonderful communication. At first I thought she is also an experienced girl in our field but later got to know that she was a graduate hire which impressed me more because she was way to smart for her age group. As we were working on an assignment, we got a chance to work closely with each other. And this way our journey towards great friendship started...

At work we used to always hang out together. Endless gossips, shopping discussions, boys, boyfriends, work, relationships.. what not we used to discuss... Half the time I will be at her desk and remaining time she will be at my desk... we only knew how we have managed completing our work... :-) But till then our interaction was restricted to office premises only. We started spending some extra time together when I got to know that she is travelling to UK for a work assignment. I was so upset the day she was to leave pune. I was almost in tears but couldn't cry in front of her as she was smiling and I really didn't want her to leave on a sad note... and she left India and I was left all alone back in India...

At that point of time we were good friends but not good enough to that we would have said that yeah you are my true friend. Later I also got an opportunity to travell to UK and our planning started over the phone, chat and messages. We decided to stay together. Though we both were afraid and were thinking if it is a good idea to stay together. We both had this fear that staying together doesn't ruin our friendship. And finally I was here in Swindon... and started our day to day ups and downs... initially due to some reasons we were having little tiff between us but later that same reason played a key role to got us close to each other...

There would not a single thing we would do without each other. The best thing about being with her is I can just be MYSELF... I am me and I can do any non-sense thing in front of her, I can just tell her my deepest secret, I can get mad at her and still smile the very next moment, I can just tell her I don't feel like cooking and go make pasta for me.. :-), I can be a baby in front of her and forget for a moment of my age...

She has played all the roles for me.. from mother to father, from sister to friend, from beauty expert to finance minister, Gym instructor to dietitian,  Cook to Maid, from making my birthday so special because I wanted my b'day to be special and I love surprises (even though she hates surprises..) What not... :-)

And after she becoming such an important part of my life.. here comes the time when she has to leave this country and go back to India...Again leaving me alone...It did took quite a while for both of us to reach a level of relationship where we are right now... and when we are at pick of it, she has to leave...which is so unfair...Every time I will feel I want this person so in my life... and that person will leave .. But I know she is going to come back and its our friendship which doesn't understand boundaries or borders... it will remain across the countries...

She is my BETU and will always remain my Sukdu, patlu, kittu, baby... :-)

Thanks sweetheart for getting out that hidden ME from me....

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