
Friday 19 October 2012

WOMEN in this so called Society...

Women is suppose to be the most beautiful creation of God. She plays so many roles from a wife to mother, daughter to daughter-in-law, a housewife to working professional... But the best thing about a woman is she will mold herself in any role so perfectly that she is at her best in any role or situation.

Since ages our society has been male dominating society. And many things which men would be doing is easily acceptable by everyone though its men or women. But if a woman does the same thing it will not be acceptable not only by men but also by women.

The best instance I can give is.... In case a man is with more than one woman (it doesn't matter he is married or single). If he is single and with more than one woman he is called STUD... And if he is married and with more than one woman some people would think he is wrong but society would still accept him and will be willing to forgive and also will expect the same from his partner. But if a woman does this (not to mention single or married really doesn't matter) she will be called as Slut, Characterless... Words woulds be less to say... Why...??? Because she is a woman....Oh not just a woman. She is an "Indian Woman".

Moreover, men having physical relationship with more than one women is OK or casual. He can be forgiven but if women does the same forget about forgiveness she is considered to be a characterless...

And top of all this if any woman comes out of a marriage and starts to stay alone (here I am only considering scenario where marriage has fallen apart because of husband had been abusive or cheat...etc.. I am not saying only men are bad. Marriages are broken due to women also but that I can write some other time.) people in society will make sure that after coming out of a bad marriage she gets to suffer more and more and do not live with a piece of mind. Why??? Because she is a woman....

She is treated differently than any other woman around her. People makes her realize that oh you are divorcee, you are not a normal woman like others. Most of the men would want to try on her. And in case that woman wants to re-marry what options does she have? She will be treated as in she has done a big mistake by coming out of marriage and if now someone else marries her its her good luck. She doesn't deserve any good normal guy (may be a single guy or a guy with a very good profile). She definitely is opting for a divorcee or widower by choice or may be by society pressure. She will be asked to compromise the most in her choices because she is not the one who have now rights to choose. Even if this woman is young, beautiful, independent, smart, talented... but she is asked to marry a guy who is divorcee or widower or may be with a kid (no harm in marrying such guy may be a that guy is really good as a person). And she will be forced to do so because of society pressure on her family or some of the family member would think what is the harm (the guy is good enough)...and plenty of various reasons would be given.

But the question here arises...

Is she really be doing so much of compromising in her life?

Doesn't she really deserve a better life?

Doesn't she has a right to chose someone or put her own views?

Doesn't she deserve the respect?

Is the society only thing in this world?

Why so many questions are coming... because if a man falls out of a marriage he is not treated as badly as the way woman is treated? Men are definitely given preferences for choosing bride and it really doesn't matter if its a second marriage for them unlike women.

Society is so partial to women specially in such cases. If a women doesn't take stand for herself she will be suppressed by all the various factors around her and her self esteem will be so low that it would be difficult for her to get back to normal life.

I am not saying all the people are like this, but number of such people is no less. There are many good people around who understand and accepts the situation of a women but people are scared to take stand for such women. Though we are in 21st century, everything is changing, technology has taken place over most of things... but what about the mentality people are still carrying.. no one wants to change... no one wants to accept has been happening for many years and is continuing to happen....

I have a question if a divorcee or widower guy would want to re-marry... will he accept a woman with a kid, a woman who is not so pretty, or a woman who is not up to his level of expectation...??? and answer is NO... first of all he will not be asked to compromise by society just because he is a MAN... he has got all the leverages and rights and choices to opt for....

There are some good men around.. they are definitely there... But how many of them comes forward and accept such situation of a women??? How many of them have guts to go and stand for such women??? How many men will respect such women??

Hardly any.. can be counted on fingers... :-)

People need to change their thinking.. becoming modern by clothes doesn't make you modern. Changing thoughts will only change things around... and the day people will understand this.. Women will get the RESPECT they deserve in this world....

1 comment:

  1. Speechless about this we do hav some connection or somrthing in common.. Salute tu u lady
