
Friday 2 November 2012

Seeing yourself from others Eyes...

Every individual has one particular view about themselves... about what they are? how they are? their looks? their career? their achievements in life? Or what they are capable of? And many more such things...

According to me...there are various types of people...

one kinds are those who exactly know what they are, what are their achievements are, where they are heading, what they deserve... Perfectly confident people.....

Another kind is people who are over confident about things around them... Or believe in self praising... Self appraised and self claimed great people... :-)

And one more kind is those people who are good at many things, they have achieved quite a few things, have almost everything but still lacking in confidence about everything they have and will constantly deprive themselves...

Well i can probably write about different such people i have come across in my lifetime... But here i am writing about myself... Trying to know myself, find myself, understand myself... Too much of I, me and myself... Isn't it???... But i feel each individual should know, find and understand themselves...

I feel I used to fall into last category of people... Who lack in confidence...

It does happen that due to some incidents in life you tend to become less confident.... I just forget what you are... and tend to behave as per others... what they want you to be.... you just change... rather you become a puppet and act as per others.... dress up as per others... your actions are not yours. your words are not are not just yourself.... and you are lost somewhere in someone else's world....

And I had become something like that... though confident at work but at personal front I was absolutely living someone else's life.... I had started to feel that I am the most ugliest looking girl on the earth.. who is fat, not at all smart, can't even communicate well with others... lack in English communication, don't even know how to cook, no fashion sense... and which I surely wasn't... :-)

I had really lost myself.... tried plenty of things to change my look to make someone else happy... but it was just not happening.... and I met few people (my colleagues or rather my very good friends from my first organisation) who made me realize what I am... they initiated to get me back to the life... to help me understand my worth...

and then on wards I just don't know how... I have always met so many good people... I was kinda lucky in life (Of course I met bad people also.. but no use of remembering them.. )... I learnt to know myself.... they helped me know what am I really... small small gestures or lines from those special people made me realize what I am...

Some people had really made me feel that beauty doesn't come with your physical statistic or how fair you are or how well do you communicate and blah blah blah... It comes from your inner beauty... your beauty is enhanced when you are beautiful by heart...

This is to all of them who help me be ME.... I don't know how to show gratitude to them... some of them I am not even in touch with them (For whatsoever reasons...)... Thank you to all those good people who helped me remain strong... and thanks to all those bad people I met in life because of them I am what I am today....

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