
Friday 9 November 2012

Live the moment...

At a time you will be in a very confusing state of mind.... you will not understand what exactly going on in your thoughts... Loads and loads of things running around your mind but you are constantly thinking about one particular thing, which makes you smile and makes you sad at a same time...

You really want to live that thought in real but you just stop yourself from living it.
Why???!!! ...
May be you are not sure if you want to live that thought?
May be you think that thought is just an illusion?
May be you are confused in your own thoughts?
Or probably you see pros and cons of that thought and stop yourself?
Or may be you are scared to live that thought?

Reason could be anything or all the things... But apart from all these reasons you just want to live this thought... You want to free yourself from everything... forget the illusion, confusion, pros and cons, assurance... and live it.... Live the thought, live the dream, live the every moment you have... if you start thinking about all these measurable / non-measurable reasons... you will be never able to live a life which makes you happy.... and stopping yourself from doing this will surely make others happy but what about your own happiness...??? I feel if a person is happy with himself / herself... he/she can make others more happy.....

A thought worth thinking.... I don't say don't think about anything or anyone and do what you want to..??!!! But all I want to say is...

"LIVE the MOMENT you have right now with you... may be you don't get it ever again and at the end you just regret for not living that particular moment..."

1 comment:

  1. True that! Is'nt our mind so dynamic? Infinite possibilities run though our minds in a flash of a moment. Very well said that we need to live the moment with no if and buts within safe boundries.

    Indeed, to cherish every moment as though it would never come back? Is an expirience in itself.. Thanks for your articles.
