
Sunday 4 November 2012

Thoughts running around...

Sometimes in life we meet few people, we might not even notice them. Somehow we definitely start knowing them in person but may be haven't even thought that those people can be so important in your life. Due to situations, circumstances and may be with little efforts from them makes you know them more and more. And some people we find different from others even if they have not caught your attention at first but sometimes their interesting talks, sense of humor, witty nature... gets you so involved with them and they start to become a part of your life without even realizing the fact where it is leading...

In a smallest duration such people will make so much impact in your life and they are inseparable without knowing. Time flies, things look so good, everything seems so rosy and happy... And sometimes misunderstandings, expectations, ego, anger and such other things come in between... And all of a sudden, all that nice time spent together goes in vain... Things become so complicated between two people that explaining it to each other seems absolutely impossible. And people find the easiest solution for such issues is just stay away from each other even if they don't want to... Why??.... because our human ego is so much bigger than any other thing in this world that it ruins any good relationship two beautiful people hold...

I don't know whatever I have written here makes any sense or not... but if ever anyone has come across such situation they will definitely understand what exactly I am trying to say... Time doesn't stop for anyone... Those people will continue living their life, but somewhere in mind and heart thought about other person keep wondering. Even if one doesn't want to think about other person... It is strange... may be both are thinking about each other but will not show or may be pretend to be so happy without each other... Even if they happen to meet each other somewhere...people will pretend like they don't know each other... 

We humans are so complicated in life... and we love being like this... because more than anything else for us complexities are more important.... :-)

1 comment:

  1. One day when I was trying to learn cycling on my own, my cycle hit a pebble and went downwards on slope... I was not controlling it.. Just sticking to my seat.. I traveled long and then my cycle stopped. I thought... I traveled so long.. Have I learnt... I started my journey upwards yo where I started. This time fell so many times and was slow.. But when I reached.. I knew.. Only this time I can claim to know cycling
