
Thursday 8 November 2012

Smile doesn't cost a thing... :-)

Every day I travel from Swindon to Reading and back from Reading to Swindon. Its a tiring (even if I am just sitting in the cab and doing nothing), boring 1 or 1 and half hours journey, depends on the traffic on motorway. 

Its not that I don't enjoy this daily one hour journey... I do... as in I do like watching change of weather, the nature around, the traffic, the people on their way to work, some talking over phone, some listening to music, some kinda lazy and sleepy... Sometimes I get to see Sun... that sun shine coming over in this chilly weather feels so good...I listen to my favorite music, chat a bit with friends, talk to mom....that makes me pass my time during the journey....

On some days journey is way to boring... I will not feel like looking at the beautiful nature or talking over phone, or listening to music or do any damn thing....

But every day when I reach to Main gate of Microsoft, there is a security guard standing at the gate.. checking all the vehicles and employees entering the gate. You will think what is so great about security standing and checking the people entering to Microsoft premises..??!!! But the best thing about this man is, despite from what kind of whether it is, its raining or snowing, its windy or sunny... if temperature is 1 degree or more than 25 degrees... He is standing there with the lovely smile on his face, great enthusiasm to welcome people and showing that thumbs up with that cute smile approving their entrance in the premises...

This really makes me smile every time I see him.. All that tiredness, laziness I have in the morning just vanishes... It is so impressive the way this security guard performs his role with all his heart and brain in to it. 

It is probably a small thing to see at but a very big thing to learn from..... This man makes me learn that keep smiling and without expecting or hoping to receive anything... give that beautiful smile to people because smile doesn't cost you any thing and it will rather make others smile for you. 

1 comment:

  1. Sups, I absolutely agree. Throughtout history, there are some things that dont change besides change itself. A smile can change the world - so they say.

    This man at the gate, has changed his prospective in life - which so naturally spreads around to others.

    Lets hope we start seeing a world with more smiles and less frowns.. Peace and tranquility!
