
Wednesday 14 November 2012

Sister Friend, Friend Sister... :-)

I am walking on wood street, heading towards home and thinking how it is going to be when I reach home. Our home without YOU. It is not that you have always been at home when I reached but I knew that in time you will be home. But today things are different, you have left this place and on your way to India. I know you don't want to go but even I don't want you to go but somethings are just not in our hands.

When I entered home, I smiled by looking at kitchen platform. I know how much you hate keeping kitchen dirty and you cleaned while leaving also. :-) But felt bad as in so much hurry you did all that stupid cleaning work. Entered further in dining area and saw your left luggage which made me little sad. As usual didn't feel like going to drawing room and directly went upstairs to our bedroom. It is the same place, everything is same at its usual place but your stuff is not there and you are not there. I am standing in the room  and thinking what to do? Shall I go down and eat something or shall I call any friend and talk? I do neither of it. I sat on the corner of the bed and played the song "Count on me", went near stairs and sat down. Looked downstairs, saw your birthday balloons and couldn't stop crying. The only thought in mind and heart why you are not here...

All the times spent together starts to run in front of me.. House is in such a mess but I don't feel like cleaning because I know even if I clean... you will be not come to see the surprise of cleaned house. I need to set my wardrobe but who will do it for me? Here I am sitting at my usual place and thinking of the time spent with you. How much you used to get irritated with my keyboard typing and you used to ask me "Suza please go downstairs and do it." And I used to keep on telling you just minutes and I will be done and I will spend hour sitting there, typing and irritating you... :-) I still remember the mornings when you used to play some irritating love songs and I used to feel like throwing away your laptop.. :-)

Lying in the bed and thinking of all those crazy photo session we used to do and planing of what to wear next day... Our crazy dress trials, that funny Hindi movie dance, those workouts in kitchen, that sudden wine and dine plans, that endless shopping spree, thinking of the same thing at a same time, deciding each others clothes, treating each other like baby and many more endless things we used to do together.....

I miss all...I miss your free ka tip... :-), I miss your scolding, I miss your pasta, I miss our beauty treatments, I miss that moment when we both want to tell other something but both are scared of each other that she will scold me.. :-)

The same house is looking so empty, quite, sad without you... I know I will get used to things and situation... But You will always be in my mind all the time... Loads of people are around me but no one fills the space of yours... My sister friend, friend sister.... :-)

Come back soon....!!!!

1 comment:

  1. hello my sister friend ..friend sister....with tears in my eyes I am trying to pen down somethings that I feel.It was a wonderful read and I miss you more baby...I will be there even before you realize I am gone.It feels empty without you and I wish I could come back sooner..Very few people understand friendship as well as we do..and very few people have in their lives founds as good friend-sisters as we have found in each other...I love you baby...and like someone has said to me....I AM A VERY LUCKY GIRL...and I will be back soon for both of you :) :)
