
Tuesday 6 November 2012

I hate to say Good Bye...

I feel every time I write something it always runs around people... Mostly people around me... What I am going to write is suggested by a friend... I mean I wanted to write but I was kinda blank... was not able to think what to write... it happens.. isn't it...?? :-)

The best phase of any relationship is when we meet people, when we have just started to know them. It's different... loads of curiosity to know the other person... it could be any person, a friend or someone who might like or love... and the moment you realize that there is something which is bonding us... we unknowingly become comfortable with that person who used to be a strange for us at some point of time...

But the worst phase is .... to apart from people... specially those whom we really love a lot....or people who are close to our heart... It is such a sad feeling when people are going least I don't like it... There will be always hope to meet them again... but Good byes do make me really upset... I mean we become so used to people... they become such an important part of our life and then they just have to go away from us... and then you just keep on missing them....this is so unfair....

and it is time for me to say good bye to my "Sister Friend" ..."Friend Sister"... :-( I know I will be meeting her soon in few months... but the thought of she leaving makes me upset... I will be missing her so much..

Simply beautiful lines-
we meet to create memories
we depart to preserve them..
to meet & depart is way of life..
but to depart & meet is hope of life..

1 comment:

  1. Very beautifully expressed misss u
