
Monday 15 May 2017

The CHARACTER that makes you fall in Love...

Recently I happened to watch movie "Bahubali 2 - The conclusion". I am absolutely short of words to describe the grandness of the movie. its not only the movie which leaves impact on you but very well defined characters that leaves you in awe. It's almost been a week and I can't get those characters out of my mind. It's like I have lived those 3 hours of movie.

The character which impressed not only me but I guess almost everyone is "Amrendra Bahubali". Immensely beautiful character played by an actor "Prabhas". He has done total justice to the character. Playing a character from the era which you have never lived and only imagined is quite a difficult task to do as an actor. (Well, I am no expert in acting but can only think the complexity of performing something which is imaginary). It's difficult to imagine if someone else could have played the character so beautifully. You can see deepness involved in the character of "Amrendra Bahubali" in  the eyes of actor "Prabhas". It makes you fall in love with him.

Amrendra Bahubali - An obedient son, immensely passionate lover, supportive husband, great warrior and august king of people's hearts. A person or a character to die for. It's A character from an old era capable enough to make modern 21st century girl fall in love with him. One of a kind character most talked about inspite of having beautiful female casting of movie. Entire social media is filled with images, dialogues, videos and quotes of movie. I bet you can't miss going through each one of them.

So now I can proudly say that I (as well as my 2 year old girl) fall into category of those thousands or probably millions of women who love the character "Amrendra Bahubali".. :-)

Monday 1 May 2017

Being mommy....

I have been trying or I would rather say deciding to write again since quite a long time. But writing is something which comes naturally. I always start writing and end up with few lines...left it in between. Lack of thoughts probably.... the only thought runs through my head 24x7 is my 2 year old toddler. She has taken away all my thoughts and attention. But that is something I am happy about. I am happy about being blank most times. Thoughtless .... I would say " stress less "...

Having a baby has not changed me in any way... I am the same person with additional  responsibilitiy. I have stopped working professionally and am a full time stay at home mommy now.  But that is something I have decided to do it on my own. It's not that my career is not important to me but she needs me more right now.

While I was carrying her I had been told by many women " do not leave ur job and don't be dependent on ur hubby " but the question is.... it's not about me or hubby.... it's about baby.... so what if I am dependent on him...??? I had been enough independent for many years and I have enjoyed that phase of life and I am thoroughly enjoying this phase of being dependent.

Here it's not the question of being a working mommy or stay at home mommy..???!!! Or not a question of being judgemental.... it's about respecting individuals decision...

Enjoy each and every moment of life as it comes...

Thanks to some of my very close friends for encouraging and inspiring me to pursue my passion. I shall not let u down. While being a mommy I am keeping myself alive. As it is said " keep itself happy first then only you will be able to keep others happy."

Friday 17 January 2014

Fall in love with your work...

I used to always feel that chocolates and shopping are two things which immensely make me happy. But I was mistaken... Off late I have realized that a day loaded with full of reaponsibilities at work makes me more happy.. Or I would rather say I feel way to satisfied. When at 11 pm I leave my workplace with a smile on my face thats when it shows and makes me realize that I ain't tired of work rather it makes happy and feel accomplished....

Well, I am definitely not doing my dream job.... but I love what I do because I believe in giving my best at whatever I do... And at times it doesn't even matter what paycheck I get, what designation I have, if all my professional aspirations are fulfilled, what appreciation or acknowledgement I get from management or how many hours I work, etc etc... All I know and feel is satisfied with my work.... 

Well, but that doesn't mean I always want be loaded with work.. Lol...but this realization is wonderful... I love my work and I love this life... And when you love something you do... You find everything beautiful... And thats how I feel right now...

Thursday 16 January 2014

Need some magic...

This feeling of not able to have something in your life which you desire the most and spend every single moment thinking about it.... I am a very positive person usually but sometimes this feeling it chokes me within... 

However I try to show or remain happy I just cant.... Like something is eating me from inside... Like i feel swirls in my stomach... I am not a person who asks things to god... I believe in approaching life with smile as it comes but this desire of mine.....that feeling of having that special something in my life leads me to past and makes me nostalgic about old memories...

I know miracles happen and I have experienced them but this time I really need God to wave his magic make my wishes come true cause this time I dont want something .. I really need it...

Saturday 4 January 2014

Putting behind 2013...

How time flies.?? !! How day changes.. ? How months after months year changes...???!!!! Somehow I felt 2013 jusy flew by... Like within blink of an eye...

When 2013 was started .. I was mainly worried that ohh lord..!! Now only 5 months left for me to stay in Uk... In no time days passed and I was landed in India... By the time I would have realized, 2013 was half over...

Remaining half year flew by in missing UK and getting back to the routine life of India... It wasn't bad though... But wasn't  even great enough... Still, for me 2013 was most balanced year in last 10 years... The ride was comparatively smooth and calm to previous many years... It was a year of mix feelings... 

Year of Joy and sadness, receiving and losing, falling and rising (not literally... ;-)), achieving long due promotion, enjoying that old family time, making one of your childhood dream come true, gaining that old friendship back with your buddies, that total determination of getting into right shape, that CLICK @First Sight, that first marathon run (my long due dream), totally improving your positive potion, realizing the true people, finding your old hobbies...some good news and some really sad ones... The year was filled with enormous incidents... But an overall a consistent one for me.. Been a lil' high and low but have been content... Which make me feel that good... Supriya, you are improving... And ending a year with such a positive note that 2014 is gonna bring the BEST for U....

A year ended without celebration (There was no party like every year... But still I was extremely happy inside).., and began my day of 2014 in a spiritual way... A year started with a serendipity... Like god is saying ... This is your year... Live it to the fullest... Stay happy, keep smiling, live every moment, keep dreaming and keep believing in that magic within you which makes you going... ;-)

Dear 2014,

Here I come to live the best moment, best year my life....stay with me.... :-)

A girl who still believes in dreams, magics  & miracles... :-)

Sunday 15 December 2013

Magic of fairy tales... :-)

I love.. I love ... I love disney movies.... No matter what how old I turn.... No matter if I have kids... I will alway love it....

Watched Frozen today... An addon to my animated movie watch list....everytime i watch any fairy tale movie I am mesmerized... It takes you to another world... And I love that ... A world which is soo much different than real world yet similar.... Far more better than real world yet unbelievable.... 

There is soo much love, belief, magic, good people, evil... And best thing... there is nothing impossible in fairly tales...  Its like be good, do good, finish the evil with your good, win the love with all your heart and last but not least after all bad times there is good .. There is a sunshine after rain... There is a spring after snowy & stormy winters....

There is soo much to learn from fairy tales... :-) it makes you fall in love and make you believe in love... And live every day with heart filled with joy, love, music, dance.... 

I am still mesmerized and still in that world of FROZEN... That ice, that way to beautiful princess, that poor guy with real genuine heart who falls in love with princess... And goes out of the way to help hear...That evil prince, that inner fear which you really have to get over and which is only possible by giving love.. And those beautiful expression and those talking eyes... Aahhh... I just live them...

I really really wish I be a part of such fairy tale... Or atleast I can make my life one fairy tale... :)

Saturday 14 December 2013

The New... Who brings out best in all...

Many times we come across people and we just hate them initially for whatever reason... And later with time you bond with them like... You are friends forever....

I happened to meet one such person last year... Smiling most of the time, cracking jokes on others and on himself as well and always trying to make others laugh, knowledgeable, intelligent and sense of hunour like no other person can have..!!! but i totally Hated him as I had misunderstanding that common friend of us is trying to hook me up with me....hence initially avoided talking to him .., but one day had to go for a bday party and I was new to swindon and all the people I knew were either out of town or i didnt have their no. Had no other option then to contact him to reach venue, he offered picking me up from my place as it was on his way. I agreed as I had no option. After party he dropped me home and thats how we started talking and realized he isn't bad at all...!!! :-)

As we were working in same office... Our friendship grew... It was an awesome group of us... Spending most of the time together but he always made us crib for not spending time with me and snigdha over the weekend...

In a small duration he totally understood me... Like i could speak anything to him without even thinking of being judged... Or I would rather say... This crazy guy has an awesome skill of getting things out of your heart and mind... He can convience you for any point by giving absolutely perfect examples and the best thing is he usually conviences you for your own good...!!!! :-)

He is the one who really helped me take out all my hidden thoughts and move ahead in life by leaving my past behind... He is the one who encouraged me to start writing again... Today what I am writing is all because of him... I was always a confidendent person but probably it was getting supressed due to my inner fears about myself only... But I could overcome it....and I guess no need to mention why and how ...!!!??? :-)

I miss those crazy lunch breaks and deciding whose gonna bring lunch for next day..those terrible comments on the rice I prepared, that mermaid swim contest, those coffee trick of yours to make and snigdha patch up, making me cook even I dont want to so that you can accompany me when sniggy had left uk, those unplanned dinners, that overhyped my birthday, those suprise gifts on my bday which I could have not even imagine..... Damn I can keep writing... Such small span yet endless sweet memories....

I feel really blessed to being surrounded by such good people... its like god is looking after me from somewhere and sends his angels to help me, protect me....

I am so grateful to you my dear friend for those crazy insane times, that infinite laughter and best of all those immensely valuable advice / suggestion. :) I surely have made a friend for life....