
Monday 1 May 2017

Being mommy....

I have been trying or I would rather say deciding to write again since quite a long time. But writing is something which comes naturally. I always start writing and end up with few lines...left it in between. Lack of thoughts probably.... the only thought runs through my head 24x7 is my 2 year old toddler. She has taken away all my thoughts and attention. But that is something I am happy about. I am happy about being blank most times. Thoughtless .... I would say " stress less "...

Having a baby has not changed me in any way... I am the same person with additional  responsibilitiy. I have stopped working professionally and am a full time stay at home mommy now.  But that is something I have decided to do it on my own. It's not that my career is not important to me but she needs me more right now.

While I was carrying her I had been told by many women " do not leave ur job and don't be dependent on ur hubby " but the question is.... it's not about me or hubby.... it's about baby.... so what if I am dependent on him...??? I had been enough independent for many years and I have enjoyed that phase of life and I am thoroughly enjoying this phase of being dependent.

Here it's not the question of being a working mommy or stay at home mommy..???!!! Or not a question of being judgemental.... it's about respecting individuals decision...

Enjoy each and every moment of life as it comes...

Thanks to some of my very close friends for encouraging and inspiring me to pursue my passion. I shall not let u down. While being a mommy I am keeping myself alive. As it is said " keep itself happy first then only you will be able to keep others happy."

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