
Monday 15 May 2017

The CHARACTER that makes you fall in Love...

Recently I happened to watch movie "Bahubali 2 - The conclusion". I am absolutely short of words to describe the grandness of the movie. its not only the movie which leaves impact on you but very well defined characters that leaves you in awe. It's almost been a week and I can't get those characters out of my mind. It's like I have lived those 3 hours of movie.

The character which impressed not only me but I guess almost everyone is "Amrendra Bahubali". Immensely beautiful character played by an actor "Prabhas". He has done total justice to the character. Playing a character from the era which you have never lived and only imagined is quite a difficult task to do as an actor. (Well, I am no expert in acting but can only think the complexity of performing something which is imaginary). It's difficult to imagine if someone else could have played the character so beautifully. You can see deepness involved in the character of "Amrendra Bahubali" in  the eyes of actor "Prabhas". It makes you fall in love with him.

Amrendra Bahubali - An obedient son, immensely passionate lover, supportive husband, great warrior and august king of people's hearts. A person or a character to die for. It's A character from an old era capable enough to make modern 21st century girl fall in love with him. One of a kind character most talked about inspite of having beautiful female casting of movie. Entire social media is filled with images, dialogues, videos and quotes of movie. I bet you can't miss going through each one of them.

So now I can proudly say that I (as well as my 2 year old girl) fall into category of those thousands or probably millions of women who love the character "Amrendra Bahubali".. :-)

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