
Friday 22 November 2013

You gotta get over it....

Met a friend today... i knew what is happening in her life as in personally but I avoid talking cause I dont wanna make her upset....

But everytime we talk some or other way that topic will come and tears start rolling on her cheeks... A person who is in relationship with someone for 10 or more long years and then one person falls out of luv... Its so easy!! Isn't it??!! Does other person think or even understands the state of mind of a person who is still in love and hoping that things will get better...??!!!

My friend....Such a strong lady but has surrendered to her emotions... I know very well that it is difficult to accept reality and move on in life... Specially when you see things not happening as you had expected. But thats a logical acceptance of mind which heart declines to follow..., and thats what my friend is doing....running behind the something which u know doesnt exist... But it is difficult for anyone to make her understand... A person needs to understand on his own.

There are so many people in this world who doesn't want to move on. They remain sticked to past and ruin their present and future both. Rather realize its not an end of world... 

One thing I have learnt with my experience... Sitting and crying over the problem again and again leads you nowhere. Rather accept the fact, analyse if it can be resolved.., if yes then work on it and if not then once for all cry out that pain and when you are done wipe those tears and move on... 

Its gonna be difficult initially, rather very difficult... U'll be in pain and will feel like the only unhappy person on earth... But come over that thought... Look around.... There are people who are happy even though they are orphan or disabled or in some situation which is uncurable or unrepairable....

Feel the pain of others and try to make them happy n see how ur soul will be filled with happiness... Heartaches happen... Some people are lucky not to have them but think that you are super lucky... God has given you another chance to be loved by a bettew person... ;-) as life doesnt end because of anyone... Its just the end of one inning and beginning of other....:-)

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