
Friday 22 November 2013

You gotta get over it....

Met a friend today... i knew what is happening in her life as in personally but I avoid talking cause I dont wanna make her upset....

But everytime we talk some or other way that topic will come and tears start rolling on her cheeks... A person who is in relationship with someone for 10 or more long years and then one person falls out of luv... Its so easy!! Isn't it??!! Does other person think or even understands the state of mind of a person who is still in love and hoping that things will get better...??!!!

My friend....Such a strong lady but has surrendered to her emotions... I know very well that it is difficult to accept reality and move on in life... Specially when you see things not happening as you had expected. But thats a logical acceptance of mind which heart declines to follow..., and thats what my friend is doing....running behind the something which u know doesnt exist... But it is difficult for anyone to make her understand... A person needs to understand on his own.

There are so many people in this world who doesn't want to move on. They remain sticked to past and ruin their present and future both. Rather realize its not an end of world... 

One thing I have learnt with my experience... Sitting and crying over the problem again and again leads you nowhere. Rather accept the fact, analyse if it can be resolved.., if yes then work on it and if not then once for all cry out that pain and when you are done wipe those tears and move on... 

Its gonna be difficult initially, rather very difficult... U'll be in pain and will feel like the only unhappy person on earth... But come over that thought... Look around.... There are people who are happy even though they are orphan or disabled or in some situation which is uncurable or unrepairable....

Feel the pain of others and try to make them happy n see how ur soul will be filled with happiness... Heartaches happen... Some people are lucky not to have them but think that you are super lucky... God has given you another chance to be loved by a bettew person... ;-) as life doesnt end because of anyone... Its just the end of one inning and beginning of other....:-)

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Love the life you live....

Have you ever observed or realized how much people around us inspire us or teach us....??

Well, I feel we all experience this everyday or probably every moment... but I have started acknowledging this experience off late. And why not when you are getting best lessons from a very known institute called "LIFE".....

I have learnt most important lessons of life after passing out from school or college.... the real experiences of life teaches you the most important lessons....

Well, These thoughts are not coming from me because I experienced something bad and learned some lesson... experience could be good, bad or best.... I did had some bad experiences... but I don't even remember them... all I remember is good memory which instantly puts smile on my face... and not to mention while writing this line also it is making me smile...

Like, everyday I drive to work... I see small kids playing near slum with so much joy... with minimal cloths, probably no exclusive toys and no access to luxury but the smile on their face is immense... it gives pleasure and makes others also smile....

There are N number of such things happen around us every moment... its up to you what you wanna observe and what you wanna adopt from it....

So enjoy the your everyday journey in this institute called "LIFE".... attend the classes.... bunk some... follow some rules... break some... set the goals.... and work towards achieving them... enjoy those small and big breaks.... do your homework and miss it doing sometimes.... get punished sometimes and get awarded ....
make new friends and maintain old ones.... enjoy the moments life falling in love for the first time.... believe in miracles.... and see that Life is sooo beautiful.... :-)

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Walk, run, fall, rise... But never stop ..

Many times I have so much in mind to put down on paper but I am just bewildered with loads and loads of thoughts that I don't understand what to put and what not to.....??

But just now going through all my thoughts I realized at the end it leads to one single point and that is Positivity... Over the period of time I have understood that positivity is nothing but living each and every moment with happiness.... whether it is good time or bad time, tough or easy, sunshine or rain, good people or bad people... its in everything....

Positivity is nothing but how you take each moment...

I know very well that it is very difficult to think or remain positive all the time... and I am not saying I stay positive always but I always try to... Yes, there are moments that makes me weak and make me feel "Oh Lord, is it ever gonna happen..??!!" But the moment such thought occurs in my mind, my heart send signal to my mind.... relax... don't you see it happening... stay positive it is surely gonna happen... and I smile with happiness in my heart... by thinking if not now... but surely soon.... :-)

I have always believed or I would rather say I have learnt to believe that "Whatever happens, happens for good and if we don't understand the reason for it happening right now don't stress yourself. When right time will come you will understand the reason." :-)

Too much of funda... isn't it??!!!

But by implementing such small small things in our daily life we can make life so much easier... Rather than crying on problems... smile and face them... Problems will look smaller, easier....Try to find happiness in your own... rather than looking at others and envy them....

According to me simple funda to remain positive / happy is,

Smile... even if its a small thing...
Do thing which makes you really really happy.... :-)
Talk to people who makes you smile.... :-)
Help others... this gives immense pleasure...
Go for a walk ... enjoy the nature...
Spend time with family and friends....
and last but not the least.... "LOVE YOURSELF"...

I am not trying to be any philosopher... this is what I learnt from my experiences.... if you feel happy from heart... everything looks easy and good.... :-)