
Sunday 8 September 2013

Happiness is...

Recently came across a page on Facebook.... and I instantly smiled just by reading the name of the page... Name read like "The Happy Page"... :-) and when I saw the content of the page it actually made me happy...  it felt just good.... :-)

When I saw the images of this page it really made me think that we are happy in small small things but we just forget to realize when I read this post.... "Happiness is new shoes.. " and I smiled... because I could so connect it to this image.. Cause every time I bought a pair of shoes... I am immensely happy... at least for next few days... I literally kiss my new shoes.... it just makes me soo much happy... :-)

But the point here is not to love my new shoes... point is... how small small day to day incidents of our life makes us happy...!!!! 

Though its 
...watching your favorite TV show
...sharing secret with your best friends
...someone saying you have lost weight
...or just a simple thought of someone

There are N number of reasons to make us smile or feel happy... its just we need to realize it... and how do we realize it...??!!!! As per my thoughts, just by living each moment of life... rather than stressing ourselves... We need to enjoy each moment we come across... and we will feel how much life is easy and all the stress and tension can be taken away with just a small feeling of being happy... :-)

It's not a rocket science but training yourself to see and feel happiness will lead you to a better life...and If not a better life then it will surely give you strength to face the tough times of our life...

I have realized over the period of time in life that... Time never remains same for long.. it changes... but not as per our convenience but as per its convenience... so just chillax, sit back and see the life happening... you stressing yourself is not going to resolve your problem... I am not saying not to do anything to resolve issues in your life... but taking stress or tension is also not going to help rather it will add on to your problems... so smile and face the challenge of life... Because every day is new... so welcome it with a smile, cause loads and loads of happiness is waiting for YOU. :-)  

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