
Saturday 1 June 2013

In the fairy tale place....

It feels like yesterday when i came to UK and today is a day Its time for me to go back to India. Visiting England was never my dream, yeah I do wanted to visit some places in Europe and Scotland which is ofcourse part of UK. (Like one of my friend used say I want to visit all yashraj movie places?;... ;-) ) 

11 long months just flew with lighting speed and i didnt even realize untill I started to recieve mails from IBM reminding me of my End Of Assignment... :-) loads of official claims, long mail chains of approvals, follow ups for claims and approvals, longggggg ... Very long list of shopping ( entire year i did shopping but i guess it wasn't enough.. :-) ), gifts for family and friends, end of tenancy process, packing, luggage weight constraints and list goes on and on and on..... In all these where was the time to think and feel bad about me leaving this country where I really really wanna stay... 

When I came to UK, I knew that I have to go back as soon as my VISA ends. But my sentimental heart didnt want to accept this bitter fact. And finally that day has arrived... 

These 11 months had been wonderful... Enjoyed the coldest weather of UK and scotland, made some friends for life,  lost some very good friends, met some old friends, lost and gained weight, made some resolutions and broke some, tried learning swimming and left it, visited some beautiful places of Uk and missed some, tried various cuisines, strated writing blog (thanks to my crazy friend for inspiring me), tried learning UK driving rules, learned the concept of leaving dos, enjoyed one of the most memorable experience of watching olympics live and what not...??!!!

In almost a year experienced different phases of life... 

There was a time I was surrounded by friends but many times I wanted my own time and then a time cane when I was lonesome and wanted people around but no one was there. Sometimes behaved like a child and sonetimes too mature, got pampered by friends and sometimes hated, missed family... I can just keep on writing and pages would not be sufficient...

I am leaving this place with no regrets, no hard feelings....

I still remember when 2 years back I moved from mumbai to pune, I was in luv with mumbai and i still am. And my mom and my friends used not like much me talking constantly about mumbai. But after going back from Uk I guess I am gonna talk all about this place as it has made me fall in luv with it. and I am glad that I am taking such lovely memories of this place and a HOPE of coming back soon.... :-)


  1. Very nice blog supriya. best of luck to u always.

  2. Very interesting read...really....:) write more...

  3. The desription shows how keen you were to express your feelings... tooo good and full of life and shows how much fun you are having !


    Rahul Jain
