
Tuesday 30 April 2013


Few days back my bestie shared this image with me....

I laughed initially when first looked at it... but this really made me think that I am somewhere like this girl....its soo me... :-)

WE... as in Today's modern women suppose to be strong, independent, smart, multitasking women ... who can do almost everything on their own. and there is no harm in doing things on your own specially in today's fast pace life. As in I feel I can do most of the things on my own but there are still few things which I will think thousand times before doing on my own...

Like, going for movie or holidaying on my own... few months back I so wanted to go for France tour on my travel alone, read books, meet new people... sounds so exciting... like it was always kind of dream for me that I travel some place on my own... but the moment I spoke to my family... first statement was you are a girl how can you travel alone.. (This reminds me of dialogue from Jab we met.. Jaise mujhe hi nahi pata ke me ladki hun.. lol) ....then and there demotivated...  I do understand that they care for my safety but it was something I wanted to do... so finally I dropped plan... I don't blame my family for that but may be even I didn't have that much of guts to go alone... may be....

But, here I am not thinking of doing something on my own or something... the main thing going on in my mind is... how many times we feel that I want someone... Someone we can rely on... someone with whom we can share anything, that special someone.... :-)

I have been into many situations like this where I have felt that I badly need someone to just pamper me or say some good words to me so that I feel good... specially when I am not feeling well... It could be minor headache or body ache or fever... but the loneliness makes your smallest issue look soo big... and you start to feel weak about it... and that moment you just break down... cry to your bed... and feel like someone please pamper me... :-) and after all that realise ohh... I am a Strong, independent women... :-( ... I am absolutely on my own.... :-)

I have stayed alone for many years... and many times have just loved my freedom... but those few moments of loneliness makes me feel... that is it... I am no longer going to stay alone...  

And sometimes its just nothing and you feel low... like absolutely nothing... and scroll hundreds of contacts in your cell phone thinking whom to call... and feels like is there a single contact whom I can just call and talk it out... and you don't find a single one...

It's not that your friends's or family won't be available for you when you need them, but the thing is everyone has their own life and at certain point of time they will all be some or other way busy with that... and that moment may be we realise its good to have that one special person in our life...who has time for me, I can bother that person anytime, who can pamper me, care for me, cooks for me, what not... lil demanding but why not at certain times... :-) and may be next day my thoughts are changed... but that moment I want everything....

But a thought worth thinking... weather to have that special person in life or not....

At this point in time... I know that I need to have it... but that is what my heart says... but my mind is not willing to accept this point.. I am not willing to share my space with anyone... or may be it is that one right person has to arrive and all your thoughts are changed... :-)

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