
Thursday 27 December 2012

Time Change... People Change...

I hated it when I first heard it from someone.... "Time change, People Change..." because I never believed in it.... I have always felt people change because of circumstances or may be with their own choices or may be because of the other people's behavior...  and never agreed on this line....

But after certain experiences I have realized it is somewhere true... Yes... people do change when time is changed... because in the meanwhile so many things happen which make them change...

But apart from that...
I hate it when people change... and you still hold the same feelings for them....
I hate it when people change... because they don't find you that interesting anymore...
I hate it when people change... because they find new people in their life...
I hate it when people change... because they grow in their life and gain that extra over confidence towards life about they can achieve anything....
I hate it when people change... because they misunderstand you in many situation and make their own assumptions...

So many reasons, so many situations.... but is it really required to change....???

I know change is the only thing which is inevitable... all those reasons which hurt others because of your stupid change in life... it feels bad ... really bad when people close to you change.... and you just don't understand the reason behind it... you feel miserable, lost, hurt, guilty,.... what not...??!!!

And you can't even blame them and you just end up blaming yourself.... what ..??? For no good reason..??? Because you have no clue what is happening... or what has happened..???

I really love the changes in life... though it is a change of place or a new hair style or new style of clothing or a new job or a new type of food or anything... but I don't like when.... "PEOPLE CHANGE..."

Friday 14 December 2012

Home is where the people you love are....

I still remember the day 30th June 2012 when I first arrived here... It was early morning, I woke up from the sleep and saw outside the window of my flight to London Heathrow and I see the beautiful, aligned, well architectural, green city which is known to be one of the best cities for shopping... (LOL.. this is the first thing I have Google it when I came to know I am flying to UK)... 

Weather supported that day and I was lucky to see Beautiful view of London City with clear sky and rainbow in it.... I can never forget that first view of London city from the flight.... one of my most beautiful memories...

After all the check out procedure I came out and felt the chilly weather of UK... It was suppose to be summer in UK but it just felt like Winter to me... I kept my huge luggage in car and started my journey from London Heathrow to Swindon... I was amused by the beauty of the nature around the Motorway... It felt like some dream come true... Whatever I had seen in movies and on television I was actually viewing all that... and within an hours time we reached Swindon... a small, quite, beautiful town... Every thing looked so unfamiliar to me... I was little afraid about how things are going to be here? But same time I was quite relaxed as I knew Snigdha is already here. She can help me in settling down quickly...

And there we crossed quite a few small, big, curvy, straight lanes and roads, up hills and down hills and finally I reached my destination... Old Town of Swindon...  I got out of the car and saw plenty of shops and bars around the street... It was lovely sunny morning.... Snigdha came out the white door and hugged me.. I was all blank... We some how managed to pull my luggage to our house at 1st floor... I really loved the house... nice and warm... I had already fallen in love with it... and the way snigdha had kept it... I loved it even more...

Withing few hours we unpacked my luggage and I was all set in this beautiful house in Old Town...It's almost been 6 months now and today it's my last day in this beautiful house.... Snigdha has already left but it's me all on my own struggling to get things sorted with leaving the apartment formalities... and moving to new house.....

But I look back at this house and see all the memories attached with it... and best thing is... I see all the good memories.... :-) What could be better than this...??!!! I am leaving a house with beautiful memories... 

I have always felt a kind of attachment with the places I have stayed in and this place is one of those places... I understand that I haven't spent considerable time in this apartment but whatever time I have spent here.. it had been great.... Though it's our small late night parties or Jammu's leaving do or my 30th B'day or Sniggy's b'day or may it sniggy's parents visit to UK, etc.... endless lovely events had happened in this place... and all those people and their sweet presence made this house feel like a HOME for Me and Snigdha...

I feel glad to leave this Home with such happiness and no negativity... I have always felt some kind of positive vibes in this house...It has always felt home to me and Snigdha... I wish my new house brings a better Positive feeling and better experiences in my life... :-)

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Change for life....

It's been quite a while and I haven't posted anything on my blog... I usually write to put my thoughts and its pretty strange that I am not writing anything.... that definitely means I am not thinking much and I am at ease... :-) good for me... My brain does need some rest... isn't it..??? or my heart does...?? not sure from where my thoughts come from....!!??

Today, it is going to be a month my bestie left for India. Initial days had been tough for me... all the crying, moaning about things I was unable to do without her, doing things alone, finding this big home empty without her... but slowly I got used to it... I definitely knew that I'm gonna be fine... but my silly heart didn't want to understand the fact...

One thing I have learnt in life with loads of experiences.. good or bad, given by various people... again good or bad... that life doesn't stop because of anyone. Some people leave by choice and some by no choice.... and we feel devastated with the absence of those people... but we keep moving ahead in life. We learn to live life without those people who used to be such an important part of our life... 

Life keeps moving...  new people.... new situations... new places... and I feel change is for good... or else life would become so boring... :-) and I am glad that I have learnt to live with change... I would rather say it like this... "I have started enjoying change in my life...."

Life is full of surprises... so why not live all the moments... Current and which are yet to come.... !!! Past has gone... and things happened in past had a reason for it to happen.... Like it is said... and my strong believe in this saying... "Everything happens for a reason... and if it is not happening as per your wish or on time... wait... and you will have better things in your kitty... :-)" 

So here I am enjoying life to the fullest.... doing things I like to do, enjoying my freedom, my single hood, learning lessons of life, not worrying about future, loving each moment....and loving Myself.... :-)