
Tuesday 22 October 2013

My way of being happy... :-)

After 2 long years today I decided to paint. Why...? Cause I was feeling bored....

Though painting is not something I really enjoyed in my childhood.... Infact drawing or painting was never my cup of tea in childhood... Its when I was in my teens I learnt about my interest in art.... 

But in passing years by writing or making pencil sketches, or by doing pottery painting or by doing rangoli etc etc... I understood one thing... This is what makes me happy... Makes me really happy from inside... 

The only thing is....I am not regular in doing what I really love to do... Everytime I spend sometime on my interest I decide that I will regularly spare some time for my interest which makes me soo happy... But then with days it just become a thought... 

But now I decide to be always happy by spending time for myself ... For my interest... I never know when it can lead me to some opportunity... ;-)

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