
Monday 28 October 2013

Experiencing others feeling... :-)

Today saw a mail in my official mailbox from a known person but with whom I dont interact regularly. Mail said "marriage sweets at my desk." I was surprised as I didn't see that girl going for long vacation for her wedding. I was definitely curious....

And suddenly I saw her near pantry. I went to her and immediately questioned popped out of my mouth.." Hey, did you get married...??!!!" She replied.. yes and started telling me about how and when all this happened... In these few minutes I obeserved her mehandi, bangles, new salwar kurta and most important and her eyes... eyes filled with joy and happiness... Eyes telling you about her heart.... :-) 

I have always known this girl as a quite person. She will talk only if required (may be that much I know about her). But it was pleasant feeling to see her with so much of joy... A joy shown from smile, eyes and body language... It literally made me happy tooo... I felt like I am only telling someone that "yes, I got married..!!"

This incident again made me realize that happiness is not only about us or related to us.... We can experience extreme happiness in others too... :-)

Photo courtesy : A gleam of dreams

Tuesday 22 October 2013

My way of being happy... :-)

After 2 long years today I decided to paint. Why...? Cause I was feeling bored....

Though painting is not something I really enjoyed in my childhood.... Infact drawing or painting was never my cup of tea in childhood... Its when I was in my teens I learnt about my interest in art.... 

But in passing years by writing or making pencil sketches, or by doing pottery painting or by doing rangoli etc etc... I understood one thing... This is what makes me happy... Makes me really happy from inside... 

The only thing is....I am not regular in doing what I really love to do... Everytime I spend sometime on my interest I decide that I will regularly spare some time for my interest which makes me soo happy... But then with days it just become a thought... 

But now I decide to be always happy by spending time for myself ... For my interest... I never know when it can lead me to some opportunity... ;-)

Thursday 10 October 2013

Losing yourself to emotions....

Many times in life you try or you are being positive with things. You feel the happiness....not because something really good is happening but because you are thinking and feeling positive. 

But all of a sudden you start feeling sad for no reason. You don't show it to world but you feel it inside. This sadness takes you to all those things being taken away from you in past which you so wanted to hold on to. 

How much we think or try to remain positive but we are allowed to break down at some point. We are allowed to take our emotions out, to feel light in order to feel happy again. Even if we know all the fundas that time doesn't remain same all the time but sometimes you just cant explain this to yourself.

You are not probably upset with time or god or with people.... But you are just tired of being strong all the time... And you just want to lose yourself....