
Wednesday 7 August 2013

Salute to Women....

Recently I happen to meet a lady... In her early 50s...tall, graceful, attractive, elegant....But when I actually started talking to her I got to know a lil' about this pretty woman...

In just 2 hours span I felt like I am seeing future me in her ( probably can't be this good...but will surely try to...) 

The fact I liked about her is she was vocal about what and how she feels and the best part was she was so young by heart, by her thoughts... A perfect combination of modern and tradition...

It was our first meeting and probably was not required to share it but she did... And that took me to surprise... She told us that she and her husband don't stay together. I could just look at her and smile but it took me in flashback.... How much I was hesitant about my marital status at such a young age. And this lady in her mid age telling so strongly about her personal life really made me think.... I couldn't imagine her state of mind while being separated from her husband when her kids are in their 20s....

It takes tremendous strength to stand where she is at this moment... I surely don't know much about her but all I know is I was absolutely mesmerized by her persona in those 2 hours... :-)

I seriously hate being compared with anyone even if its some celebrity but today somehow my mom mentioned about this lady and told me that "Supriya, I feel you are so much like her" and First time I felt happy to be compared with someone... 

I don't know if I will ever meet her but if I happen to I would like to tell her that I really respect such women who doesn't quietly tolerate things just because what society will say and take a stand for herself and her family...