
Monday 15 July 2013

Mumbai - A city of dreams...

It is said that once someone stayed and survived in Mumbai can survive anywhere in the world but that person will not want to leave Mumbai and stay somewhere else. That is the magic of MUMBAI... or may be say an aura of Mumbai city.

And I have experienced this.....

I moved to Mumbai in 8 years ago and literally hated it for being there. Every single day I used to think as soon as possible I want to leave this city and move to Pune ( A calm, peaceful place). Before moving to mumbai, I had never traveled in local buses and trains. In very first year I experienced travelling in BEST buses and the famous local trains of Mumbai which I definitely hated it at that point of time. I still remember every morning starting my day at 8 by taking auto from my home to Goregaon station and catch 8:15 am's  local train from Goregaon Station to Dadar. Change Western line to Central Line and catch another train from Platform 3 or 4 to Ghatkopar. From Ghatkopar west station catch a bus to Saumya College. A long tiring Journey of 2 and half hour to work  and back home. I had literally lost few kgs of weight in just 2 months duration due to my hectic schedule (may be was good for me... ;-) )

Every day used to be a new day while traveling in local. I met new people, new faces... some laughing, some giggling, some chatting, some buying local stuff, some listening to music, some over phone, some just viewing outside world, some lost in their own world and some still in sleep mode....

Time passed, I changed my job and then no more traveling of local trains required for me...which definitely made me happy. But still I was in hope of moving to Pune and leaving my happy life in mumbai with no friends around and had not even seen a Mumbai city which is known for so many places. Just me, my life and work. I was happy with life but was not liking the place.

Slowly with years I made some friends in Mumbai who made me see the real Mumbai....

Gate way of India, Juhu Beach, Queens Necklace, Wankhede stadium, Aare Colony, Linking road and Hill road shopping street, Lokhandwala shopping complex, Bade Miyan kebabs, Local panwalas, roadside pani puri to 5-star hotels, posh pubs and lounges, almost all the restaurants in Malad and Andheri area... list is endless....

In all my most favorite place is Queens necklace and Aarey Colony. Just grab a cone of ice cream at late night and sit at queen's necklace... never felt at such a peace in this fast running city which never sleeps. You see a mid night beauty of Mumbai city and you find yourself... what could be a better combination than this...??!!!

After 6 years when I had to decide to move to Pune and I didn't want to.... I wanted to stay in Mumbai... I wanted to live that fast pace life... But what made me upset the most was the reason I had to leave Mumbai...

"The reason which made me come to this place only became the reason for me to leave it..."

It's been 2 years now I have left Mumbai but those memories, those places, those people around, every damn small thing doesn't go out of my mind and heart....

Mumbai is the city that changed ME, discovered ME, made ME...

I have struggled, I have enjoyed, I have learnt, I have found true people... I have understood lives and life....

I was in Love with Mumbai and I still am... the good thing is I loved this place due to people I met there... I am not saying I met all the good people there... I definitely met good and bad people both, but I have learnt ...I have learnt some important lessons of my life from them... and most important some of really important people of my life... I have met them in Mumbai....

This city has given me people who have helped me find myself and discovering ME for what I am today and helping me become the strongest person I could have been ever been...

Monday 8 July 2013

Right time...

Sometimes there comes a time in life and you feel life is not on track... rather you feel there is no path only...

You don't know...where you are heading, what you are doing, what exactly you want... you just don't understand or may be you don't want to understand... Everything looks blank to you... probably you want loads of things in life.... want life to be nearly perfect, to have everything in place....

Sometimes in life...You see people around you, say your friends or family or relatives, colleagues, college mates... settled in life... moving ahead... (you tend to see positive growth of others)...and you feel .. you are yet to start your life from scratch....

Nothing seems to be going good...
Work no more makes you happy... you feel demotivated...
Even if you are surrounded by loads of people... you feel lonely...
You want certain things in life... and you don't seem to be getting it...
You keep on thinking about sorting out things in life and you know that you are the only person who can make things work for you but you no more have energy to fight for things and move ahead....

But there is a vague hope in your heart that things will change...and you wait for that one magical moment to happen...

I believe in this magic... I have a hope things will change... my guardian angel is looking at me... its just the right time has not yet arrived...

I know there is nothing like right time or wrong time, right place or wrong place ... but I strongly believe that you never get things before time...everything happens when its time... so probably this isn't the time...

But I am trying to live this moment to the fullest without getting bothered about the place or people or ups or downs or problems or happiness... and just waiting for that time to be at right place.... when I will feel yes this is it.... :-)

Saturday 6 July 2013

Fake Dream...

Some words don't have specific meanings... different people have different definitions in their own terms... Feelings is one such word from vocabulary which always makes me think what should I understand by it.... ??!!

It is something.....
You keep in heart and it remains in your heart forever....
You share it and it might get multiplied...
And sumtimes you share it and you end up getting hurt....

We as in human being are often affraid to share our feeling... Probably we don't want to accept the reality... Somewhere deep down in our heart we already know the answers to our feeling but we run away from confessing it as we are affraid of being rejected....

But I feel rejection is better than living in fake emotional world where we keep on assuming things from other persons end... Whereas that person might not be even thinking the way you are thinking..

Rejection might be hurting for a moment or probably for certain days but living a fake dream is far more dangerous compared to rejection...

As I have said before we ourselves make our lives complicated by assuming things... But I have understood over the period of time that accepting a fact and moving ahead in life is much more better than  living a fake dream....